$125.00 USD

Tracking Mentorship Session with Amanda

1-on-1 Session Via Zoom

What we can address in a tracking session:

  • energetic support
  • nervous system support
  • mentorship around energy work/trauma work/clearing
  • guided regulation practices
  • tracking and addressing ancestral issues/inherited trauma in the energy anatomy
  • Guidance for developing felt discernment, energetic health and overall wellness


What People Are Saying:

"I appreciate Amanda and Tibor beyond what words can express!  I have experienced a form of peace that I didn't know was possible since beginning my work with them.  It has been nothing short of life changing!  I am grateful for their presence in my life and I look forward to working with them in the future.”

Karilyn C,

“Amanda and Tibor cleared blockages and destructive energy from my field and helped me clarify what was mine and what was not. After my sessions, I felt lighter, more energetic, and more confident in my own energetic healing work and in my life. I appreciate their commitment to integrity and trust them implicitly.”

Elizabeth H.

"Amanda's clear instructions on how to do daily energetic hygiene has been transformational. I do it daily and in this process I have come to understand that to get to the higher aspects of myself it's more a process of subtraction than addition."

Heli A